Monday, September 25, 2017

Time to Get Active!

Before transition and weight loss.
I wrote the other day about weight loss as a way to better present yourself as a transgender woman. And, how I lost about 50 pounds before HRT set in and my male metabolism slowed down.

Now I have gained back about twenty pounds and it is time to do something about it. It is especially important now as thanks to the hormones, I am adding hip tissue for the first time. Naturally that means I want a more defined waist line to take advantage of the process.

Some of you have asked how do I take my estrogen. I take estrodial in patch form. I started with pills until my new endocrinologist said he thought patches would be easier on my system. Other transgender women I know have told me they had problems with the patches staying on, but that has never been a problem for me. I never have considered shots because injecting myself never seemed like having kicks and giggles.

Speaking of hormones, last Friday, I battled a bout of melancholy when I put on my new patches and was "weepy" into the next day. The symptoms fortunately didn't go into hot flashes, which I have had before. Mainly when I started the dosage of HRT I am on now.

Whatever the symptoms, I look at the process as being what a normal cis woman faces at some point in her life. So, if I want to play in the girls' sandbox...get over it!  


Connie said...

I had wondered why I hadn't read anything from you about swimsuits all summer. ;-) I could more than stand to lose 20 lbs myself, GF! I've heard that women of our age can carry fat at about 23% of body weight, and still be within the norm. Of course, that does depend so much on where it's carried (or maybe where it's carried away to?).

Anonymous said...

You can do it, Cyrsti!

Weight loss is never easy - but once you decide to commit to a permanent lifestyle change that's when the big changes happen.

I usually say: when your life changes – your shape changes.

If counting calories is too much for you - consider intermittent fasting. This allows you to eat whatever you want - but not when you want :)

Wishing you the best of luck both in weight loss and in your transgender journey!


Transgender Day of Visibility

  Transgender Day of Visibility poster from my hometown.  Today is the annual transgender day of visibility on March 31st.  It is a time suc...