Friday, May 27, 2016

Takin' Care of Business and Workin' Overtime!

Well, not really. I am retired so sincerely, I work more than I did.

Recently, I wrote an informational post on the the blog about what's called monetization or Google running ads. For example from Connie:  "Hey, I keep putting in my two cents worth, and I get nothing in return!!!! :-)

I believe the ads are geared toward the individual user, are they not? Mine, today, are for "4 signs of heart trouble", "Senior Cruises", and one for REI. So, someone (or some thing) knows I'm old (still two years younger than you until tomorrow :)."

OLD Picture
The ads are indeed tailored and I get some crazy ones, recently plugging trips to Florida and on line degrees. (They must read the blog?) 

"Do you really get haters and trolls?"

Yes, I do get trolls and haters occasionally, just not much lately. My all time classic was when someone called me "just another old guy on hormones." :)

Since I don't get nearly the daily hits I used to on the blog, I think I'm less visible. When I started it years ago, there were fewer blogs. Now everyone and their "Mama" has one.

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