Friday, October 4, 2013

Shopping Karma

Nearly the first thing I do in the morning is sort through my email boxes. I check to see if any of my three collectible shops on Etsy and Ebay have sales and then look to see if there is a possible transgender story or two to pass along to you visitors here in Cyrsti's Condo.

I do quite a bit of networking the shops on Twitter and Pinterest and this morning I received a "follow" request on Pinterest from Blondellamy' Dean, A Curvy Girl's Boutique.  The request sparked my interest in that the follow request was for my TruNorth Pickers Shoppe,  which has nothing to do with fashion, makeup etc.Then I checked them out and found they offer sizes from 10 to 36 and a full line of fashion, accessories and makeup.  Hmmn, I thought do they know more about me than I sell all sorts of collectibles? At any rate I went to the site and subscribed to their weekly newsletter to add to my on line collection.  In many ways I am sort of like the person who liked to mull through weekly newspapers on a regular basis from around the country. (When they were relevant.) You can check out their store by following the link above.

Then, I jump over to Crysti's Condo to do this post and stopped by Femulate first. As Momma Karma would have it, Stana's topic today is called "It is a great time to be a tall woman." If you don't know Stana sets the "tall woman" standard at 6' and to put it into perspective, she is over 6' and I am slightly under.

As I sipped my morning "cup o joe" (coffee), my morning noggin thought Wow! both of these topics work well together because indeed most of us share size issues, transgender or cross dressers alike. To again put the topic into perspective, follow the Femulate link above to view how Stana has turned her height into a plus when she owned it and remember I have had to own the fact I'm stuck with many of the "football body" ready features I was born with.

My point is when I hear from those of you who immediately say "I can't present well as a woman because of my size" I think maybe you should do some research - and while I'm preaching at you, skip that Dbl Bacon Cheeseburger you have for lunch and consider a salad to get that weight down a tad.  Also, you are already defoliating your skin every morning when you shave, just follow up with wrinkle creams and moisturizers and you will look better as a girl and a guy. Plus, if you are worried about detection, consider replacing a different cream bottle you may have hanging around with the anti wrinkle formula.

Well the "Joe" is gone and my dog is bugging me for her walk. See ya all and be well kids!

**I have added the "Blondellamy" link to our fashion boutique room in Cyrsti's Condo.

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A Spectator in my Own Life

  Image from Ryan  Mangino on UnSplash. There were many times during my life as a transgender woman, I felt as if I was a spectator looking ...