Saturday, October 19, 2013

On the Job Training?

You regular visitors here in Cyrsti's Condo may have the idea I may be just a bit cynical.  Years ago at one of my jobs we referred to a "cynic" as a person with a PHD in sarcasm, so this story from Canada caught my attention from Montreal's CTV News.

"In the Plateau-Mont Royal De Lorimier riding, Coderre's team is running a lawyer, Bergeron’s team is running a school commissioner, Marcel Cote is running a real estate agent and Melanie Joly is running a transgender individual, who worked as an escort until last year.

Bibiane Bovet’s (shown above) avowed past as a worker in the sex trade created a stir Friday, as a scrum of reporters queried mayoral candidate Joly about her unconventional candidate. Joly said that she has known of Bovet’s background since they met earlier this year. She said that Bovet has no criminal record and that her profession is not illegal in any criminal sense."

Obviously, I have no horse in this race but the first thing I thought was - Why not? There are a ton of politicians in this country who have made a living off of screwing people?

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