Friday, August 9, 2013

Chasing my Hormonal Tail

About two weeks or so ago as I was rummaging through my not so organized Cyrsti's Condo medicine cabinet and noticed a real disparity in my on hand inventory of the magic blue pills called Estradiol (a generic estrogen) as well as a couple other of my VA co-pay provided meds. I called the 800 line to find out when the refills were due to be shipped and found I would have a real estro shortage.   Being the clueless person I am, I was taking what I thought I was prescribed rather than what really was.  In my defense I was working from two different scripts too.

I didn't want to, but I went on lesser dosages for the last month as I waiting for back ups to arrive.  In fact I hate it.  I'm not so pleasantly surprised how quickly my "T" wants to reclaim as much of my phsyical being as quickly as it can. Body hair and muscle definition began to return, my breasts lost quite a bit of their sensitivity and even my thought processes seemed to change. So I was not the happy camper as I waited for my med refills.  Well, they came yesterday and came in a big way.

For security reasons at my mailbox, I have them sent to my daughters and on the way home I had so many bottles of pills, I figured if I got pulled over by a cop I would have been arrested!

By now I know you are thinking Cyrsti what is the problem here?  Actually there is.  The supply I received is large because it is written to last a while and when I follow the correct dosage, everything is fine. Of course what my Endo Doc said he was going to prescribe isn't what he actually did and of course the Veterans Administration pharmacy works from him. So no, the dosage is too small and we are not fine!

Not to worry, I do have the whole process to revisit soon anyhow. I need to schedule blood work from the VA and hand carry to the endo doc's office to insure it gets there and then calmly ask why the hell is he saying one thing and writing another? Assuming he does write what we agreed on this time (I now know what to look for on the script)  then I  take it back to my new primary provider at the VA for approval who will then have me sign off again on a release form from the Endo Doc to fill the scripts. Then I have to set up an appointment in Sept with my new VA provider (who I have never met) to check my overall well being. (Sinking fast!)

It's fine, I really don't have anything else to do anyhow, right? Plus I know this HRT path I walk would not be feasible without the VA's help-no matter how convoluted the system is. Just maybe if a few steps were cut out of the process, life would be easier but then again a lot more boring?

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