Friday, November 23, 2012

End of an Era

As you might expect, I really had to work to butch it up for my family's Thanksgiving feast.
I knew full well how my physical transition was going to work.  With just a little extra effort I was able to pick two of my remaining ex-large guy shirts which were loose enough to disguise my breast area.  Tying my hair back and shoving it up under a hat was a little more of an effort.

So off I went, knowing full well this will be my last Thanksgiving dinner with the family as my old self. (The patriarch)  A fact which was not lost on my Son-in Law.  We were able to slide off into a deserted corner for a quick discussion. He is a man of a few words and said "well this is about it" right? Of course I replied this is it and proceeded to move on in the conversation. Next he remarked how much he was behind me in my transition and we quickly speculated how other family members would react on both sides. Probably, the ones we project as possible "problems" won't be and others lurking in the shadows will be. But I told him they won't have a choice anyhow so who cares?

Sure I'm confident about the situation because I already have the most important people in my life behind me already. On the other hand, leaving yesterday as a male (as I can still be) was a chance to reflect on what I was walking away from and into.  The final chapter will be written on Christmas Day when I go to my final family get together.

The best part of an era ending is the opportunity to begin a new one- which I will discuss in my next post!

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