Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Having Your Cake and Not Eating It Too

Perhaps you've heard, read or even seen the episode of "Cake Boss" in which transgender beauty Carmen Carrera  is bullied after a prank.
Carmen Carrera

This version of the "prank" and the reaction comes from "NewNowNext".
"You know what’s a funny, funny way to get ratings? Do what the producers of Cake Bossdid and get a transgender woman on your show, convince her that you are helping to promote awareness with her role on the program and then publicly shame and mock her. Hatred is hysterical!"

"For their part some of the sensitive, sensitive souls at Cake Boss then thought it would be funny to continue to shame Carmen after the episode aired. When someone mocked Anthony, the castmember the prank was played on, for kissing a man, Anthony had this to say: “hahaha nah I didn’t it give [sic] me a kiss on the cheek.”
“It” gave him a kiss on the cheek. What an amazing guy that Anthony must be."

Follow the link to read Carrera's comments. Of course she was upset but couldn't a lot of people see this coming? Pranking a guy into thinking he was kissing a genetic woman? Really? How's that working for everyone? Not so good.
There is a petition on "Change.Org" demanding an well deserved apology though and the "Cake Boss" star "Buddy Valastro has already done just that.

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