Friday, June 18, 2010

Hungry Eyes....

I watched he NBA final game last night  in the confines of my regular "home away from home" pub.
Arrived in plenty of time to get a good seat at the bar and the game was being shown on 3 out of 5 of their huge big screens. 
I had to sit at the far end of the bar. A person who always wants to talk me into the ground was sitting at her usual spot at the other end.
One of these days, I'm going to have to actually count the seats to give all of you a better idea of how long it is. In the meantime, I'm going to have to say this place seats 40-50 at the bar. (fancy place) and other hundred in the room behind it.
The only problem with sitting on my end is the trek to the restroom is long and visible.
Normally the crowd is a 60-40 male mix and the women are fairly well dressed. The pub is located around a big upscale mall so dressing up is usually not a problem.
Last night I was one of five or six "girls" in the front section and dressed better than the others. Normally I just do jeans, flips and top and go for it.
 I felt like capris  wedgies and one of my favorite blouses would work last night So-
On my trips to the rest room, I got a LOT of scrutiny.
I wonder if GG's get used to it? Like it or what? It was fun the first time round! Threw back the shoulders and gave my best "take a look" at it walk back to my seat. Put the best "bored" expression on my face.
I never make direct eye contact and sort of lightly scan the room to catch the reaction. I NEVER take any of this as second nature because in the past I've almost been laughed out of the place.
Another post should examine the types of looks one gets.
Obviously they vary.  The one descriptive term I can use about last night was "hungry".
No matter how you cut it I'm a big girl so if I'm good and lucky enough to present as a big "attractive" girl, I will stand out. Not a problem. It's a compliment!
Last night wasn't a problem either, just different. But it was one of the evenings I wished one of my real girl friends was along for the ride!
Normally though, they just smirk at my "problem". Welcome to our world!  Ha Ha, hows it feel to be undressed with those eyes?
The true problem  was what dinner the "hungry" eyes would have gotten... after the undressing!

Tuesday, June 15, 2010

I shaved my legs for this? Maybe! It's early!

A return to the scene of a crime!

No, I'm not a criminal.
The "scene" was another sports bar I frequented a year or so ago. It was the only place that I have ever been discriminated against.
Most of the abuse started when a group of younger redneck guys read me.  I put up with the cheap shots and comments because I do not let people like that run my life.
However, when "Dude looks like a lady" was played on the juke box 3 times in a row, it was time to go.  The wimpy manager wouldn't intercede (I was a regular) but that was his call.
The final blow happened a week or so later on a Saturday night. 
Everyone once in a while, I will draw the attention of a GG who is positively entranced with the image I portray.
It has more to do with what I do than how I look doing it.  Between her and three other very curious "20 somethings" that night, I attracted a very serious "posse".
I loved it! All was good until I had to make a trip to the Ladies' Room. (An urgent trip!)
There were some other occupants doing what girls do.
One older bitter looking woman hit me full blast with "How's it going Dude."
I'm normally pretty quick with a come back, but this was different.  I wasn't a rookie in the bathroom wars. I've had to stand in line to wait with the girls and shared tp and fashion tips.
On this occasion I just smiled sweetly and said "I need to get back with my friends" (I think she was jealous)
On my next visit the same manager said he was having "comments" about which bathroom I was using.  So I left...gave him my frequent user discount card and left for a year.
I simply returned to the two other places I went to in the area (one for 12 years).
I finally did return last night. Just to see if I could. I knew the manager was long gone but the regular bartender was still there.(we never had a problem).
I watched the end of the ball game. Listened to some good music (one of the reasons I went there) drank two and left. 
Problems? No, and I think I saw my old nemesis.  She did not give me a second look.  (A year of practice!)
By the way...on the way out I did have to use the ladies' room.

Monday, June 14, 2010

So far so is a Monday and quiet.
At the Grn. Finally rain done...many options on next move!
Seems like an eternity since we ve been out! n curly and fun! Monday starts my weekend!

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

The mirror, The camera, The public.

Last night I changed my look for the first time in a while. (girl's prerogative, right?)
I choose a shoulder length straight black hair style.  I used to wear it quite a bit until I became enamored with my red curly fun hair.
The public has told me the "Red" does wonders for me and I LOVE the curls and length.  I never have had a problem presenting in it. The compliment invariably come from women.
The camera seems to like it also. The pictures are normally my highest rated. The mirror (which sometimes fibs!)
likes it too!
My problem.  Guys in my age bracket (more mature ha!) approach me in the dark hair. No compliments...approaches.
I normally never fail to attract a conversation all the way up to the "motel room key" switch!( Another story.)
The camera is not cooperative. I have had a heck of a time taking a quality picture. 
The mirror on the other hand, flat out loves the look!
I can only speculate that women like the volume, curls and color of the red hair. If done correctly, it's a sexy look. If wrong, drag queen come to mind.
I don't get hassled, but not approached.
The dark presents it's own set of makeup problems.  The eyes have to be overdone, along with the cheekbones with less emphasis on the lips to really make the look work.
Just right and my green eyes really stand out. Too much and "goth" comes to mind.
Reality tells me that I must be attractive and approachable to older guys and that is very flattering!
I guess the final impression comes from inside anyhow. But the showcase sets it up for success...or failure.

T-Central: New Blog Listings!

T-Central: New Blog Listings!

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

The hard part of a big straight sports bar is presenting 'warm n gooey' walk it!

Finding your Happy Place as a Trans Girl

Image from Trans Outreach, JJ Hart As I negotiated my way through the gender wilderness I was in, I needed to reach out at times to find mom...