Showing posts with label The Jetsons. Show all posts
Showing posts with label The Jetsons. Show all posts

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Driver-less Cars?

Once again our friends on the West Coast (California) are leading the way and allowing new technology- a driver-less car!
Initially, this idea locked me up with the number of cheap shots I could come up with! Would the driver-less car ahead of me use turn signals, at least drive the speed limit and not freeze up in a four car traffic jam??? Hey! Bring it on in my town!!!!!!!!
The Jetsons
Then I thought this technology would be very beneficial to me in the not so distant future. I'm really close to to 63 now and if the force is with me I hopefully will make it a little longer. My Dad lived a strong life, finally mentally losing it in his mid 80's. It was heartbreaking hiding the keys from a man who loved his cars.
In my future, I will now have a driver! Maybe I will have a little bumper sticker that says "Don't Blame Granny-Computer Behind the Wheel!"
Hopefully, the whole deal will be tamper proof. Will my daughter hide the keys to the computer?
I can visualize heading to the store or stopping for a cup of coffee with other peeps my age. (Will the men ever get over their sexual insecurities by then?)
Will the ride be similar to a super roller coaster at a big theme park? I'm thinking 35 miles an hour?
The experience could go both ways. If I can panic at those super sonic speeds , override the car's computer to get that speed down to a more manageable 25 and make left hand turns out of far right lanes- will I?
More importantly, will I be able to be fashionably incorrect and dress like "Jane Jetson" at the grocery store?
A computerized closet?

Halloween and Gender Breakthroughs

Halloween Image from the JJ Hart Archives.  Back again we go to Halloween and the effects it had on me as I developed into a novice transgen...