Saturday, October 19, 2013

Monica, Where Art Thou?

I love this idea/story from Halloween:

Unknown Lewinsky Impersonator
"My first Halloween outing, in fact one of my first ever outings, was in the late 1990s when the cosmos came together and I was by myself and able to dress and get out. I had a favorite blue chiffon dress with its own nylon inner slip. I wore it with black pumps and hose, a black wig, a black beret and I brought a box of cigars and went to a Halloween event at a straight bar/restaurant as Monica Lewinsky. I had a great night and there were a lot of girls there that were interested in chatting me up."  submitted by Pat.

Perhaps just mentioning Bill Clinton does bring up the idea, when you wear a themed unique female costume to a straight bar, it is a great way to meet women!
Also, if the idea was still current, have the woman in your life dress up as Clinton!

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